STAT 670B Homework Assignments

Please follow these general guidelines:
Assignments (the numbers refers to Casella and Berger, if not specified otherwise):

  1. due Wed. Feb. 3
    To be turned in (p. 300-302): 6.6, 6.9 (b)
    Additional Practice Problems (not to be turned in): 6.9 (c), 6.20 (b), (c), (e), 6.22

  2. due Wed. Feb. 10
    To be turned in (p. 300-302, 355-358): 6.31 (a) and 7.11 (b)
    Additional Practice Problems (not to be turned in): 7.2 (a), 7.6, 7.11 (a)

  3. due Wed. Feb. 17
    To be turned in (p. 355-358): 7.8 (a) and (b), 7.24
    Additional Practice Problems (not to be turned in): 7.12, 7.22, 7.33

    No homework due week of Exam 1, Wed. Feb. 24
    * Aditional Practice Problems (not to be turned in), but covered on Exam 1: 7.39, 7.40

  4. due Wed. March 3
    To be turned in (p. 355-367): 7.52 (a), 7.60
    Additional Practice Problems (not to be turned in): 7.38 (a) (Use Corollary 7.3.15), 7.46, 7.56

  5. due Wed. March 10
    To be turned in (p. 358-367): 7.59, 7.62 (a)
    Additional Practice Problems (not to be turned in): 7.52 (b), 7.63

  6. due Wed. March 17
    To be turned in (p. 260-261, 358-367): 5.31, 10.1
    Additional Practice Problems (not to be turned in): 5.30, 5.32

  7. due Wed. March 24 : Homework 7 (pdf format)

  8. due Wed. April 7 : Homework 8 (pdf format)

    No homework due week of Exam 2, Wed. April 14

  9. due Wed. April 21 :
    To be turned in (p. 402-413): 8.6 (a), (b)
    Additional Practice Problems (not to be turned in): 8.6 (c)
    (just one problem, since it is Data Analysis Exam week!)

  10. due Wed. April 28 :
    To be turned in (p. 402-413): 8.25 (c), 8.22 (b) * Note this has been changed from 8.25 (b) and 8.22 (c). If you have already completed these parts, just hand them in.
    Additional Practice Problems (not to be turned in): 8.25 (a) and (b) 8.14, 8.20

  11. due Wed. May 5 :
    To be turned in (p. 402-413, p. 513): 8.31 (a) and (b), 10.34 (a)
    Additional Practice Problems (not to be turned in): 8.12 (a), 8.49 (a) and (b), 10.34 (b)

    * Additional Practice Problems (not to be turned in): (p. 451-463): 9.6 (a), 9.12
    But, covered on Final Exam!