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Let the games begin.
R function: arima.sim
We need to use help to find out about this function.
> help(arima.sim)
What arguments does this function take?
What is a list?
The model: Zt = φ1Zt-1 + at
Simulate and plot the time series for φ1 = 0.5
> y.50 <- arima.sim(model=list(ar=.5), n=100)
> plot(y.50)
Plot the ACF.
> acf(y.50)
> temp <- acf(y.50, plot=F)
What's in temp? What do you get when you type the following?
> temp$acf
Let's now use the R function set.seed() to allow us to reproduce our results! Repeat the above commands after
> set.seed(1)
> y.50 <- arima.sim(model=list(ar=.5), n=100)
Now, for the PACF,
> acf(y.50,type="partial")
You can look at plot of Z_t versus Z_t-1 for the AR(1) series
> plot(lag(y.50,1), y.50, xlab=expression(Z[t-1]), ylab=expression(Z[t]))
Simulate and plot the time series for φ1 = 0, φ1 = 0.5, φ1 = -0.5, and φ1 = 0.9.
Let's look at sample code in ar1.ex1.r
Now plot the ACF and PACF of the time series. How would you describe the characteristics?
Let's look at sample code in ar1.ex2.r
The model: Zt = φ1Zt-1 + φ2Zt-2 + at
Simulate and plot the ACF of the time series for φ1 = -0.5, φ2 = 0.3
> y <- arima.sim(model=list(ar=c(-0.5,0.3)), n=100)
> acf(y)
> pacf(y)
Activity 1: Compare your sample ACF and PACF to Table 3.3 and Figure 3.8 Plots.Activity 2: Look at the theoretical ACF and PACF plots in Figure 3.7 and locate the plot that the parameter values satisfy.
Activity 3: Calculate the theoretical ACF and PACF for k=0,1,2, and 3.
Hint: For the ACF use (3.1.2), (3.1.21), and (3.10); For the PACF use (3.1.23a), (3.1.23b), and (3.1.23c).
Compare the theoretical values to the sample values.
Repeat ALL of the above by using n=1000 (or more)!
The model: Zt = at -
θ1at-1 (Book)
The model: Zt = at + b1at-1 (R)
Note: θ1 is the MA coefficient (Book)
Simulate and plot the ACF and PACF of the time series for θ1 = 0.5
> y <- arima.sim(model=list(ma=0.5), n=100)
OR y1 <- arima.sim(model=list(ma=-0.5), n=100)?
> acf(y)
> acf(y, type="partial")
Notice that ma=0.5 produces an ACF that looks like a θ1 < 0 on p. 49.
We will just have to keep straight the difference in notation between your book and R!
So, to simulate the above model consistent with your book, we should use
> y <- arima.sim(model=list(ma=-0.5), n=100)
> acf(y)
> acf(y, type="partial")
> help(arima) Gives details!
Here are some nice Tutorials
Let's look at sample code in ar1sim.r